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Tel: 041-9841818 Mob: 0861231076
Ballymakenny road, Drogheda, Co Louth
Tel: 041-9841818 Mob: 0861231076
Ballymakenny road, Drogheda, Co Louth
Tel: 041-9841818 Mob: 0861231076
Ballymakenny road, Drogheda, Co Louth
Ballymakenny Road Drogheda, Co Louth
What width and height does your lorries measure?We need gate access of just under 9ft wide & height wise for easy access 11.5ft is required.
Do you charge part loads?No we do not as we specialize in small loads.
How much m3 does your ready mix trucks hold?Our lorries can carry 5m3 at any one time.
How far can the chutes reach?Roughly 3m.
Do you charge waiting time?There is a €50 waiting charge is a lorry is held for more than 40mins
How far does your hi ab reach?Roughly 20ft from the cab.
How far can your block lorry crane reach?Roughly 30ft from the back of the lorry.
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